Dear all,
Welcome to the July newsletter from the International Centre for Evidence in Disability.
Our offices have felt empty this month as fieldwork has been ongoing in Guatemala, Ghana, Vietnam, Zimbabwe and the Maldives. We have been busy in other ways too. This month we published our report “Protect Us: Inclusion of children with disabilities in child protection”: Link here. The research was conducted by ICED in conjunction with the Gender and Violence group at LSHTM, and funded by Plan International. We have also received confirmation that we will be starting a new project with Help Age International to explore the inclusion of older people with disabilities in emergencies. The research will look at the global picture, but also collect new data, most likely in Pakistan and Ukraine.
LSHTM made a policy of being in favour of the UK remaining in the European Union, and so as an institution we are disappointed by the referendum result last week. Let us hope that the repercussions for our community are not too drastic, whether in terms of support for people with disabilities, research funding, or community atmosphere in general.
In better news…. We are delighted that LSHTM is working with “Work Fit” to provide placements for people with Down’s Syndrome in different parts of the School. It is a 12 week scheme for 2 people at a time, and it is envisaged that it will be an ongoing partnership. The LSHTM staff involved are incredibly happy with how well the scheme is working, and how it helps both their team and the trainees. We sincerely hope that this scheme will be scaled up further.
A date for your diaries – we will be working with the Public Health Foundation of India to host a Symposium on Global Disability in Hyderabad, India, in November 2017. The exact dates and topics will be released soon. Please let us know if you would like to be involved in the planning or in attending.
Best wishes,
Hannah Kuper and Allen Foster
International Centre for Evidence in Disability, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
You can also follow us on Twitter @ICED_LSHTM.
For the remaining Newsletter contents please click here: July Newsletter