Dear all,
Welcome to the October newsletter from the International Centre for Evidence in Disability.
Like many working in disability and inclusive development, we were extremely pleased with the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the General Assembly of the United Nations in September. With multiple mentions of disability – including a call to disaggregate all national data by disability – the SDGs have made strides in encouraging more inclusive development actions. Read ICED’s recommendations to the UK Department for International Development on how to promote the mainstreaming of disability in implementing the SDGs: here.
Last month we hosted an advisory group for our project Evaluating the Impact of a Community-Based Parent Training Programme for Children with Cerebral Palsy in Ghana. After analysing the project’s baseline data, malnutrition and feeding/drinking challenges are emerging as major issues. Maria Zuurmond will be travelling back to Ghana in early November for additional advisory group meetings and to conduct ongoing qualitative data collection. Check out our website in the following weeks for more updates on this and our other projects.
This month Morgon Banks travels to Malawi to collect data for a project with PLAN and the Gender and Violence Health Centre at LSHTM on Access for Children with Disabilities to Child Protection Programmes. The study will explore how community-based child protection programmes can be made more inclusive and effective at addressing and preventing violence against children with disabilities. Meanwhile, Mark Spreckley will be in Guatemala until mid-November, where he will be conducting a survey on the Impact of Hearing Impairment and the Provision of Hearing Aids.
It’s also the start of the new academic year for us and we are pleased to announce the launch of our 2015-2016 Disability Seminar Series. Information on events scheduled for Term 1 can be found below.
Please share this newsletter with your colleagues and let us know about items you would like included in future issues.
Best wishes,
Allen Foster and Islay Mactaggart
International Centre for Evidence in Disability, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
For the remaining Newsletter contents please click here: October Newsletter